Miharu Ogura
Pianist / Composer
Pianist/composer Miharu Ogura was born in Tokyo/Japan in 1996. Concert tours and projects have already taken her to other European countries, such as Darmstädter Ferienkurse, ManiFeste (Paris), Royaumont, Klangspuren Schwaz (Innsbruck), Festival Mixtur (Barcelona), Monopiano Festival (Stockholm), etc. She has also spent an artistic residency at the Abbaye de Fontevraud in March 2019.
In Japan, she has participated in many interesting projects. At the Hoktuopia International Music Festival in 2018, she performed "Mantra" by K. Stockhausen and "Structures II" by P. Boulez. In 2021 she gave a concert where she played all the piano pieces I-XI by Stockhausen. As a soloist, she has performed in prestigious concert halls such as Steinway & Sons Tokyo, Kioi-hall and Hamarikyu-Asahi Hall.
Her first album "Ogura Plays Stockhausen" was released by Thanatosis produktion in 2023. Her second album featuring her own solo pieces was released in February 2024 through the same label.
After winning 2nd prize at the 16th "Kyogaku" contemporary music competition in Japan in 2016, she received seven prizes including the "André Chevillon - Yvonne Bonnaud" prize at the 13th Orléans International Piano Competition in 2018. In 2023, she got the 2nd prize and the prize for the best performance of a work by Olivier Messiaen at the Olivier Messiaen International Competition. As a composer, she was also a finalist at the 81st Japan Music Competition in 2019, and received 2nd prize at the 5th Alfred Schnittke International Composition Competition in 2021. A impressive comeback was made in 2022 by winning again the "André Chevillon - Yvonne Bonnaud" prize at the 15th Orléans International Piano Competition, where she got a comission by France Musique as well.
Her works have been performed at various venues by professional musicians such as Trio Estatico, Lviv Symphony Orchestra, Francesco Tristano, Jonas Olsson, Filippo Gorini, Duo Zöllner-Roche, and others. Additionally, she received composition commission from the Biennale di Venezia for the year 2024. Her works are publisched by SZ sugar.
She completed her Bachelor's degree at Toho Conservatory of Music, where she studied with Yumiko Meguri (piano) and Masahiro Ishijima (composition). Since 2019, she has been studying in the master program then in Konzertexamen with Florian Hoelscher at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts.
日本では北とぴあ国際音楽祭参加公演「2台ピアノの新たな可能性~マントラをめぐって~」をはじめ、コンサートシリーズ~「ピアノのために書く」とは~、シュトックハウゼンピアノ曲I-XI全曲演奏会、新しい耳音楽祭など、ヨーロッパではManifeste音楽祭(パリ)、Klangspuren Schwaz(インスブルック)、Mixtur音楽祭(バルセロナ)、Monopiano音楽祭(ストックホルム)への出演など、国内外で積極的な演奏活動を行う。2019年3月フォントヴロー修道院レジデンスアーティスト。
2023年にはスウェーデンのレーベルthanatosisより、シュトックハウゼンピアノ曲I-XIを収録した”Ogura Plays Stockhausen”をリリース、イギリスの音楽学術誌TEMPOにレビューが掲載されるなど高い評価を得る。2024年には同レーベルより自作自演を収録した”Ogura Plays Ogura”がリリースされた。
自身が主宰する四重奏団Carton Jauneに加えて、ensemble handwerk、フランクフルト放送響、ヘッセン州立歌劇場、ウメオNorrlandsOperan劇場に客演するなど、室内楽・オーケストラの一員としても活動している。
作品はTrio Estatico、Zöllner-Roche Duo、フランチェスコ・トリスターノ、ヨーナス・オルソン、フィリッポ・ゴリーニなどに演奏されている。2024年にはラジオ・フランスやヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレから委嘱。イタリアの出版社SZ sugarと契約。
Upcoming Concerts
6th of December, 2024@Frankfurt, Alte Oper
Christmas all over the World
as part of Frankfurt Radio Symphony
Under the baton of Vassilis Christopoulos
Live Broadcast
14th of December, 2024@Frankfurt, HfMDK
Ich, Arnold Schönberg
21st of January, 2025@Tokyo
World Premiere of my piece for soprano and piano "Le silence introspectif", commissioned by Risa Matsushima
22nd of January, 2025@Frankfurt
Recital at Kundenzentrum Frankfurter Sparkasse
Rebecca Saunders : Shadow study for Piano
Marco Stroppa : aus: Miniature Estrose per pianoforte d‘amore Passacaglia Canonica
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Klavierstücke I – IV
Johann Sebastian Bach : Toccata c-Moll BWV 911
Claude Debussy :
Étude 11 Pour les arpèges composés aus: Préludes Livre 2
IV. Les fées sont d‘exquises danseuses XI. Les tierces alternésMiharu Ogura : Rifrazione (2024)
14th of February, 2025@Frankfurt, hr-Sendesaal
Helmut Lachenmann : My Melodies
as part of Frankfurt Radio Symphony
15th of February, 2025@Hamburg, Elbphilharmonie
Helmut Lachenmann : My Melodies
as part of Frankfurt Radio Symphony
26th of February, 2025@Tokyo
World Premiere of a new piece for tuba and piano, commissioned by Shinya Hashimoto
6th of March, 2025@Tokyo
World Premiere of "Seuil pour trombone et piano" commissioned and performed by Kousei Murata and Kazue Nakamura
コンテンポラリー・デュオ 村田厚生&中村和枝 vol.8にて、委嘱新作《境界》を発表させていただきます。
9th of March, 2025@Tokyo
2025年3月9日@B-tech Japan 東京スタジオ
小倉美春 自作を弾く!〜ピアノ表現の可能性 2020s〜
小倉美春:Pas (2018), Labyrinthe (2018), Nijimi (2023), Rifrazione (2024)
10th of June, 2025@Tokyo
B→C バッハからコンテンポラリーへ
ネムツォフ:7つの思考 ─ 彼女のような(2018)***
J.S.バッハ:トッカータ ハ短調 BWV911
[共演]山澤 慧(チェロ)*片山貴裕(バス・クラリネット)**有馬純寿(エレクトロニクス)***
Past Concerts
20th of October, 2024
Stravinsky: Petrushka, Sacre de printemps
4 hands-version with Jonas Olsson
Video Petrushka Video Sacre
13th/14th of October, 2024@Darmstadt
Péter Eötvös: Speaking drums, Four poems for percussion solo and orchestra
György Kurtág: Petite musique solennelle – En hommage à Pierre Boulez 90 für Orchester
As part of Staatsorchester Darmstadt
Under the baton of Harry Ogg
3rd of October, 2024@Venezia
World Premiere of "Rifrazione " for piano solo, commissioned by Biennale di Venezia, performed by Chisato Taniguchi
October-November, 2024@Darmstadt
B.A. Zimmermann Requiem für einen jungen Dichter
as part of Staatsorchester Darmstadt
Under the baton of Karsten Januschke
19th/20th of September, 2024@Frankfurt
13th of September, 2024@Frankfurt
Schönberg 150 Forum N
as part of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony
Under the baton of André de Ridder
24th of August, 2024@Umeå, Sweden
Camille Saint-Saens : Carnaval des animaux
11th of August 2024@Tokyo
ローム ミュージック ファンデーション スカラシップコンサート
輝き〜音とともに〜 Vol.49
リゲティ:ムジカ・リチェルカータより III, V, VII, VIII, IX, X
27th of July 2024@Kyoto
ローム ミュージック ファンデーション スカラシップコンサート
輝き〜音とともに〜 Vol.47
共演:保崎 佑(ファゴット)
ドビュッシー:前奏曲集 第2巻より IV.妖精たちはあでやかな舞姫、XI.交替する3度メシアン:前奏曲集より IV.過ぎ去った時、V.夢の中のかすかな音向井 響:「鳥の言葉」ファゴットとアンサンブルのための〈世界初演〉
共演:大井 駿(指揮)/亀居優斗(クラリネット)/保崎 佑(ファゴット)/山本航司(サクソフォン)/千葉水晶(ヴァイオリン)
20th of July, 2024@Kanagawa
8th of July, 2024@HfMDK, Frankfurt
Abschlussprüfung Teil 2
Claude Debussy (1862-1918) :
Étude 11 : Pour les arpèges composés
aus Préludes livre 2
IV. Les fées sont d'exquises danseuses
XI. Les tierces alternés
Helmut Lachenmann (1935*) : Serynade (1997-1998)
Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) : Cantéyodjayâ (1949)
Miharu Ogura (1996*) : Nijimi (2023)
22nd of June, 2024@Paris
As part of Ulysses Ensemble
Michael Jarrell: La Chambre aux échosGyörgy Ligeti: Mysteries of the MacabreSimon Steen-Andersen: Chambered MusicFeliz Anne Reyes Macahis: Diwata
21st of May, 2024@HfMDK Frankfurt
shortcuts - Experiment und Begegnung
Miharu Ogura : Étude sur le vide (2022)
Pascal Dusapin : Slackline
mit Philine Lembeck
9th of May, 2024@Milan
3rd/4th of May, 2024@Alte Oper, Frankfurt
as part of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony
John Adams: Short Ride in a Fast Machine
30th of March, 2024@Tokyo
2024年3月30日@B-tech Japan 東京スタジオ
"Ogura Plays Ogura"リリース記念コンサート
メシアン:カンテヨジャーヤ (1949)
ラッヘンマン:セリナーデ (1997-98)
小倉美春:滲み (2023)
23rd of March, 2024@Kanagawa
紅葉坂プロジェクト おんがくが「ぬ」とであふとき
16th of March, 2024@Germany
Private Concert with Tristan Roche and Masaki Krug
Trio by Ferrenc, Dusapin, Brahms and my solo piece "Sillage de lignes"
14th of March, 2024@S:t Pauluskyrkan, Stockholm
Stockhausen : Klavierstück IX
Messiaen : Cantéyodjayâ
Ogura : Pas, Labyrinthe
20th/21st of Februar, 2024@Tokyo
向井響 作曲個展 美少女革命
Hibiki Mukai : Tokyo Discrict 7
17th of Februar, 2024@Frankfurt
Coptic Light
Frankfurt Radio Symphony
Under the baton of Stefan Asbury
12th of Februar, 2024@Frankfurt
Berg : Kammerkonzert
7th of December, 2023@Caligari, Wiesbaden
Menschen am Sonntag Caligari, Wiesbaden
with Uwe Dierksen, William Overcash and Nathan Watts
4th of December, 2023@Frankfurt
Public general rehearsal of Menschen am Sonntag, as a concert-series of ‘Offene Ohren’
Haus der DEA, Dachsaal, Frankfurt
12th of November, 2023@NorrlandsOperan, Umeå, Sweden
Duo recital with Jonas Olsson
Debussy: En blanc et noir
Saunders : choler
Messiaen : Visions de l'Amen
Otcober-November, 2023@NorrlandsOperan, Umeå, Sweden
John Adams : The Death of Klingfohher
as part of NorrlansOperan under the baton of Jessica Cottis
17th of September, 2023@Palmengarten Frankfurt
Palmengartenkonzert with Tristan Roche and Masaki Krug
Works by Beethoven, Rota and Farrenc
13th of September, 2023@hr-Sendesaal, Frankfurt
1st of September, 2023@Kunstmuseum Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach
20th of August, 2023@Abbaye de Royaumont
as Carton Jaune
Messiaen : Quatuor pour la fin du temps
Jia Yi Lee : world peremiere
6th of August, 2023@Kioicho Salon Hall, Tokyo
【河村絢音による現代ヴァイオリン作品研究シリーズ vol.1 ~ヴァイオリンとピアノ~】
Lutoslawski : Subito
Pascal Dusapin : Forma fluens
3rd of August, 2023@B-tech Japan Tokyo Studio
2023年8月3日@B-tech Japan 東京スタジオ
XVIII 恐るべき塗油のまなざし
XIX われは眠る、されど心は目覚め
XX 愛の教会のまなざしStockhausen : Klavierstücke I-IV
Miharu Ogura : Nijimi for piano (2023, Japanese Premiere)
Messiaen : from Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant-Jésus
XVIII. Regard de l’Onction terrible
XIX. Je dors, mais mon cœur veille
XX. Regard de l’Église d’amour
10th of June, 2023@Paulskirche Trier
Gerhard Stäbler: MAGISCHE SPIELE. Version für 4 Klaviere, world peremiere
Mabel Yu-ting Huang, Jana Luksts, Magdalena Cerezo, Miharu Ogura
Bernd Bleffert Gerhard Stäbler, Kunsu Shim2nd of June, 2023@hr-Sendesaal
Ritual Dances Forum N
hr-Sinfonieorchester with Duncan Ward
30th of April, 2023@Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt
Performance at Neue Musik Nacht
Stockhausen Klavierstücke XI
29th of April, 2023@Konstmuseum, Norrköping
28th of April, 2023@Vasakyrkan, Göteborg
Solo recital at Levande Musik
Ustvolskaya Sonata 5&6, Stockhausen Klavierstücke IX-XI
25th of April, 2023@Khimaira, Stockhlm
Solo recital
including world peremiere of my piece "Nijimi"
11th of April, 2023@Mozart-Säle, Hamburg
Debut Concert of our quartett Carton Jaune
Work by Messiaen, Rabl
24th of March, 2023@Gallus Theater, Frankfurt
Lutoslawski : Two Etudes, Adagio from Piano Sonata
March-April, 2023@Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden
Piano part of "Oryx and Crake" by Søren Nils Eichberg
26th of January, 2023@Holzhausenschlösschen, Frankfurt
Konzertreihe "Voraushören"
Bach : Suite Nr. 3 C-Dur BWV 1009, bearbeitet von Robert Schumann für Violoncello und Klavier
Dusapin : Slackline
Ogura : New piece
Schnittke : Sonate für Violoncello und Klavier Nr. 1
mit Philine Lembeck
30th of September, 2022@Alte Feuerwache, Köln
ensemble handwerk
François Sarhan: Telegrams from the Nose (2011)
François Sarhan: Neues Musiktheater (2022) UA
4th of July, 2022@Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Frankfurt
Stockhausen : Klavierstücke V, VII, VIII
Schönberg : Fünf Klavierstücke Op.23
Brahms : Vier Klavierstücke Op.119
Stockhausen : Klavierstücke VI, IX
1st of July, 2022@Maria Hilf Kirche, Frankfurt
F°LAB Festival for Performing Arts
Messiaen : Le courlis cendré from Catalogue d'oiseaux
メシアン:鳥のカタログ 第13番ダイシャクシギ
25th of June, 2022@B-tech Japan, Tokyo
2022年6月25日@B-tech Japan東京スタジオ
〜廻由美子プロデュース・シリーズ〜 新しい耳@ B-tech Japan vol.1 小倉美春ピアノソロ〜創作とは、演奏とは
Boulez : Incises (version 2001)
Messiaen : Le courlis cendré from Catalogue d'oiseaux
Miharu Ogura : Sillage de lignes pour piano, Japanese premiere
Schönberg : 5 Klavierstücke Op. 23
Stockhausen : Klavierstück VI
Ligeti : Etude 13 "L'escalier du diable"
小倉美春:Sillage de lignes pour piano (第15回オルレアン国際ピアノコンクール「作曲賞」受賞曲、日本初演)
アーノルド・シェーンベルク:5つのピアノ曲 Op.23
ジェルジュ・リゲティ:練習曲第13番「悪魔の階段」4th of Februar, 2022@Sassari, Italy
Ensemble XiEMA
G. Benjamin : Octet
C. Panai : Relativity II
M. Carta : A Cold Dead Body
M. Gualandi : Danza lenta (di vento e nuvole)
12th of November, 2021@Tokyo
Lucifer for soprano, violin and piano (2021)
Pas pour piano , Labyrinthe pour piano (2018)
“Call” for prayers, monodrama by two players(2021) A work commissioned by Tessera Music Festival
24th of October, 2021@Stockholm
Stockhausen : Klavierstücke I-XI
Thank you for the review!
22nd of October, 2021@Bielefeld
with Uwe Dierksen, William Overcash, Nathan Watts
2nd of October, 2021@Bercelona
Ensemble ULYSSES 2021-Festival Mixtur
Beat Furrer : Linea dell’orizzonte (2012), Still (1998)
José Río-Pareja : Nómada S5 (2021)
Jonathan Harvey : Wheel of Emptiness (1997)
conducted by Beat Furrer
27th of June, 2021@Royaumont
Ensemble ULYSSES 2021
Feliz Anne Reyes Macahis : diwata
Raphaël Cendo : Action Painting
I. Xenakis : Thalleïn
19th of June, 2021@CENTQUATRE-PARIS
Ensemble ULYSSES / Concert ManiFeste-2021
Raphaël Cendo : Introduction aux Ténèbres
Gérard Grisey : Partiels
Feliz Anne Reyes Macahis : diwata
14th March, 2021@Tokyo Concerts Lab.
Stockhausen : Klavierstücke I-XI
26th December, 2020@Tokyo Concerts Lab.
小倉美春コンサートシリーズ 〜「ピアノのために書く」とは〜
vol. 2 ハインツ・ホリガー『パルティータ』をめぐって
ウィリアム・ブランク / William Blank (1957-) :
Lightnings (2014)
クリストフ・デルツ / Christoph Delz (1950-1993) :
Sils Op.1 (1975)
ミカエル・ジャレル / Michel Jarrell (1958-) :
…mais les images restent… (2003)
ヨハン・セバスチャン・バッハ / J. S. Bach (1685-1750) :
Partita 4 BWV 828
小倉美春 / Miharu Ogura (1996-):
ハインツ・ホリガー / Heinz Holliger (1939-) :
Partita for piano (1999)
13th December, 2020@Tokyo Concerts Lab.
Miharu Ogura : Credo for soprano and string quartet
小倉美春:Credo ソプラノと弦楽四重奏のための
performed by Haruka Okazaki, Hikaru Tanabe and Quartet Integra
岡崎陽香(ソプラノ)田邉 皓(指揮)クァルテット・インテグラ
15th September, 2020@Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst
Shortcuts – Experiment und Begegnung
Marco Stroppa : Traiettoria per pianoforte e suoni generati dal computer (1982-1984)
Traiettoria... Deviata
Miniature estrose per pianoforte d'amore - Primo Libro (1991-2003, Rev.2009)
18th January, 2020@Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst
Feldman : The Viola in My Life II
Boulez : Derive 1
Rihm : Chiffre 2
7th August, 2019 @Musa Kawasaki Symphony Hall
2019年8月7日 @ミューザ川崎シンフォニーホール4階市民交流室
Ligeti : Etude 3 "Touches bloquées" Etude 8 "Fem"
Haydn : Sonate Hob.XVI:19 1 mov.
ハイドン:ソナタHob.XVI:19 第1楽章
Ligeti : Etude 2 "Cordes à vide"
Haydn : Sonate Hob.XVI:19 2 mov.
ハイドン:ソナタHob.XVI:19 第2楽章
Ligeti : Etude 6 "Automne à Varsovie" Etude 13 "L'escalier du diable"
Haydn : Sonate Hob.XVI:19 3 mov.
ハイドン:ソナタHob.XVI:19 第3楽章
29th July, 2019 @Steinway&Sons Tokyo
2019年7月29日 @スタインウェイ&サンズ東京
Ligeti : Etude 2 "Cordes à Vide" Etude 3 "Touches bloquées" Etude 13 "L'escalier du diable"
Beethoven : Sonate Nr. 29 "Grosse Sonate für das Hammer-klavier" B-dur Op. 106 1 mov.
ベートーヴェン:ピアノ・ソナタ 第29番 変ロ長調 「ハンマークラヴィーア」 op. 106 第1楽章
Stockhausen : Klavierstück XI
Miharu Ogura : Pas pour piano, Labyrinthe pour piano
小倉美春:Pas pour piano, Labyrinthe pour piano
15th June, 2019 @Tokyo Opera City
2019年6月15日 @東京オペラシティリサイタルホール
Miharu Ogura : Un autre chant pour viola et harpe (2019)
performed by Itsuki Yamamoto and Hanako Obata
11th June, 2019 @Tokyo
2019年6月11日 @調布・くすのきホール
Boulez : Structure II
with Tomohiro Suzuki
6th June, 2019 @Tokyo
2019年6月6日 @カワイ表参道 コンサートサロン 「パウゼ」
Stockhausen : Klavierstück X
3rd June, 2019 @Tokyo
2019年6月3日 @豊洲シビックセンターホール
Michio Mamiya : Piano Trio (1977)
間宮芳生:ピアノトリオ (1977)
with Yuya Mishima, Naoka Shimbo
21st April, 2019 @Kioi Hall
2019年4月21日 @紀尾井ホール
Miharu Ogura : Pas pour piano, Labyrinthe pour piano
小倉美春 : Pas pour piano, Labyrinthe pour piano
23rd Match, 2019 @Auditorium, Abbaye de Fontevraud, France
2019年3月23日 @フランス、フォントブロー修道院
Ligeti : étude 6 « Automne à Varsovie »
リゲティ:練習曲第6番 "ワルシャワの秋"
Debussy : étude N°11 « Pour les arpèges composées »ドビュッシー:練習曲第11番 "組み合わされたアルペジオのための"
Stockhausen : Klavierstück V, 1953シュトックハウゼン:ピアノ曲V
Bach : suite française 4バッハ:フランス組曲第4番
Dutilleux : 3 préludesデュティユー:3つの前奏曲
Dutilleux : « Petit air à dormir debout »9th Match, 2019 @Asahi Hall, Tokyo
2019年3月9日 @浜離宮朝日ホール
Beethoven : Sonate Nr. 29 "Grosse Sonate für das Hammer-klavier" B-dur Op. 106 1 mov.
ベートーヴェン:ピアノ・ソナタ 第29番 変ロ長調 「ハンマークラヴィーア」 op. 106 第1楽章
15th December, 2018 @Royaumont, France
2018年12月15日 @フランス
H. Parra : Au coeur de l'oblique
14th December, 2018 @Royaumont, France
Hibiki Mukai : Love After Love for piano, world premiere
27th November, 2018 @St. Charles Hall, Lucerne
C. Delz : Sils Op.1
K. Stockhausen : Klavierstück XIV
9th November, 2018 @Tsutsuzi-Hall, Hokutopia, Tokyo
2018年11月9日 @北とぴあつつじホール
M. Ravel : Miroirs
M. Ogura : Labyrinthe pour piano
小倉美春:Labyrinthe pour piano
Jazz Tokyo様
30th August, 2018 @Steinway & Sons Tokyo, Tokyo
2018年8月30日 @スタインウェイ&サンズ東京エントランス
M. Ravel : Miroirs
M. Ogura : Labyrinthe pour piano
小倉美春:Labyrinthe pour piano
27th July, 2018 @OS@Piano Class, Darmstadt
2018年7月27日 @ダルムシュタット
H. Holliger : Partita for piano
K. Stockhausen : Klavierstück X
8th June, 2018 @Lyceum Club Internazionale di Firenze
2018年6月8日 @フィレンツェ
F. Donatoni : Third series from Françoises variationen for piano
M. Ravel : Miroirs
H. Parra : Au coeur de l’oblique for piano (Italian premiere)
photo credit : Davide Santi
7th June, 2018 @Contemporary Music Hub - Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano
2018年6月7日 @ミラノ
F. Donatoni : Third series from Françoises variationen for piano
C. Debussy : Six épigraphes antiques for four hands piano
F. Donatoni : Arpège for ensemble
H. Parra : Au coeur de l’oblique for piano
with mdi ensemble and Yoichi Sugiyama
共演:mdi ensemble、杉山洋一
photo credit : Pino Montisci
26th March , 2018 @Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Paris
2018年3月26日 @パリ
H. Holliger : Partita : III. Barcarola
ホリガー:パルティータより III. 舟歌
I. Fedele : Études australes : III. Cape Hornフェデーレ:南のエチュードより III. ホーン岬
7th January, 2016 @Suginamikoukaidou, Tokyo
2016年1月7日 @杉並公会堂小ホール
D. Scarlatti : Sonata No.5 K.91
スカルラッティ:ヴァイオリンソナタ第5番 ト長調
I. Stravinsky : Duo Concertant
A. Honegger : Première Sonate
Masahiro ISHIJIMA : SOLUS for violin solo
石島正博:SOLUS -孤歌- ヴァイオリンのための
K. Stockhausen : Klavierstück IX
L. V. Beethoven : Sonata Op.12 No.3
ベートーヴェン:ヴァイオリンソナタ第3番 変ホ長調
with Aya Kono
Contemporary Repertory List
*=world premiere
Solo pieces
A. Beglaryan : "reduct" (2019)*
Meet and Greet (2021)*
A. Berg : Sonata (1908)
W. Blank : Lightnings (2014)
P. Boulez : Incise (1994/2001)
C. Delz : Sils Op.1 (1976)
E. Denisov: Signes en blanc (1974)
Pour Daniele
F. Donatoni: 3rd series from Françoise Variationen (1983~96)
H. Dutilleux : 3 préludes (1973)
I. Fedele : Etudes australes 3. Cape Horn (1990~2003)
H. Holliger : Partita for piano (1999)
Masahiro Ishijima : REQUIEM (2011)
Michel Jarrell : …mais les images restent… (2003)
Damjan Jovicin : Derivation/Mati (2018)*
Dasom Kim : eun-pa 0.5 (2022)*
H. Lachenmann : Serynade (1997~98)
Lei Liang : My Windows (2007)
G. Ligeti: Etudes No. 2, 3, 6, 9, 13 (1985~2001)
B. Mantovani : Dédale (2009)
O. Messiaen : 20 regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus No. 13, 15, 20 (1944)
L’Alouette Calandrelle (1956~58)
4 études de rythme No. 3 “Neumes rythmiques” (1949~50)
Cantéyodjayà (1949)
Hibiki Mukai : "We're nowhere else but here" for piano and electronics (2017)*
Love after Love (2018)*
Piano Concerto(2020) *
Miharu Ogura : Labyrinthe pour piano (2018)*
Feu improvisé (2017)*
Pas pour piano (2019)*
Nijimi for piano (2023)*
M. Ohana : 24 Préludes No. 7, 8 (1973)
H. Parra : Au coeur de l’oblique (2017)
Yumi Saiki : JOY for piano (2014)
L. Saunders : Shadow (2013)
A. Schoenberg : 5 Pieces Op. 23 (1920)
Suite Op.25 (1921~23)
K. Stockhausen : Klavierstück No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 (1952-84)
M. Stroppa : Traiettoria...deviata, Dialoghi from Traiettoria (1982-1984)
Moai from Miniature estrose (1991-2003, rev.2009)
Hikaru Tanabe : Dots (2016)*
A. Webern : Variationen (1936)
Ensemble pieces
G. Benjamin : Octet (1978)
P. Boulez : Derive 1 (1984)
P. Boulez : Structures II (1961)
R. Cendo : Introduction aux ténèbres (2009)
Action Painting (2004-2005)
F. Donatoni : Arpège (1986)
P. Dusapin : Slackline (2015)
Forma Fluens (2018)
Trio Rombach (1998)
M. Feldman : The Viola in My Life II (1970)
B. Furrer : linea dell'orizzonte (2012)
still (1998)
Ayaka Gokan : Pianist choreograph for dance (2020)*
Haruko Hagihara : Liquid (2017)*
Yuki Hamajima : Double Images ~for Erhu and Piano~ (2016)*
J. Harvey : Wheel of Emptiness (1997)
A. Hölszky : Tragödia (Der unsichtbare Raum) (1996-97)
Masahiro Ishijima : SORA (2018)*
Feliz Anne Macahis : Diwata (2021)*
O. Messiaen : Vision de l'Amen (1943)
Quatuor pour la fin du temps (1940-41)
Michio Mamiya : Piano Trio (1977)
So Minami : 2つの余禄の心得 (2005-06)
Yusuke Moriya : Meander (2017)*
Hibiki Mukai : Safah Bariton and 5 instruments (2015)
Phantom-Limb Ⅱ for violin and piano (2016)*
micro / Love / real / Love for piano trio (2017)*
José Río-Pareja : Nómada S5 (2021)
R. Saunders : choler (2004)
A. Schönberg : Pierrot Lunaire (1912)
Hans Thomalla: Harmoniemusik I (2018-2019)
W. Rihm : Chiffre 2 (1983)
L. Ronchetti : Opus 100 (2005)
K. Stockhausen : Mantra (1970)
J. Yuasa : A winter day (1981)
I. Xenakis : Thalleïn (1984)
Works - composition
・Illusion pour Boléro pour piano (2024)
will be premiered in April 2025, Orléans
commissioned by the International Piano Competition of Orléans for youth “Brin d’herbe”
・Rifrazione per pianoforte (2024)
commissioned by Biennale di Venezia
premiered on 3rd of October 2024, Venezia, Chisato Tanigucih
・Nijimi for piano (2023)
premiered on 25th April 2023, Khimaira, Stockholm, Miharu Ogura
performed on 3rd August 2023, Tokyo, Miharu Ogura
performed on 30th March 2024, Tokyo, Miharu Ogura
・Sillage de lignes pour piano (2022)
premiered on 5th April 2022, Salle de l’Institut, Orléans Conservatory, France, Chisato Taniguchi
performed on 25th June 2022, Tokyo, Miharu Ogura
performed on 16th March 2024, Germany, Miharu Ogura
will be performed on 9th May 2024, Milan, Filippo Gorini
premiered on 29th January 2019, Kusunoki-Hall, Tokyo, Miharu Ogura
premiered on 11th March 2018, Salle de l’Institut, Orléans Conservatory, France, Miharu Ogura
performed on 10th April, 2019 @Sound Spaces festival in Malmö, Jonas Olsson
performed on 8th of June, 2023@Gamle Raadhus Scene, Oslo, Jonas Olsson
・Issetsu for flute and electronics (2017)
premiered on 31st October 2017, Toho Gakuen Music College, Tokyo, Shizuha Kuroda
・Qui bouge dans la nuit? for piano and electronics (2017)
premiered on 25th Februar 2017, Toho Gakuen Music College, Tokyo, Risako Watanabe
・Jet for double bass and electronics (2016)
premiered on 11th October 2016, Toho Gakuen Music College, Tokyo, Ryo Kato
Chamber Music
・nu.II for string trio (2024)
premiered on 20th of July 2024, Kanagawa, Ayane Kawamura, Miho Kawai, Kei Yamazawa
・Exosomes pour trombone et percussions (2023)
comissioned by Radio France
recorded on 7th of March 2024, Radio France, Jon Roskilly and Sho Kubota
・Larmes pour violon et piano (2023)
comissioned by Ayane Kawamura
premiered on 6th August 2023, Kioicho Salon Hall Tokyo, Ayane Kawamura and Miharu Ogura
・Drei Gesten für Violine und Bratsche Reflexion über Kinderszenen von R. Schumann (2023)
premiered on 22nd of December 2023, Frankfurt, by Duo Mia
・Étude sur le vide pour violoncelle et piano (2022)
premiered on 26th January 2023, Frankfurt Holzhausenschlösschen, Philine Lembeck and Miharu Ogura
will be performed on 21st May 2024, Frankfurt HfMDK
・Zerfließen... für Klarinette und Akkordeon (2022)
premiered on 31st January 2023, Montabaur, Zöllner-Roche-Duo (Eva Zöllner, Heather Roche)
performed on 16th of June 2023, St. Paulus Hall University of Huddersfield
performed on 6th of October 2023. Lola Culture Center, Belgrade, Serbia
performed on 20th July 2024, Kanagawa, Tomomi Ota and Takahiro Katayama
・KOE for viola trio (2021)
published online on 1st January 2022, Trio Ecstatico (Megumi Kasakawa, John Stulz, Paul Beckett)
performed on 13th of November, 2022@Moyzes Hall, Bratislava
・HITOGATA for violin and violoncello (2021)
premiered on 28th of March 2024, Kanagawa, Japan, Maiko Matusoka and Kei Yamazawa
・Un autre chant for harp and viola (2018-19)
premiered on 15th June 2019, Tokyo Opera City, Tokyo, Itsuki Yamamoto, Hanako Obata
・Kan for three pianos (2017-18)
premiered on 21st March 2021, B-tech Japan, Tokyo, Yumiko Meguri, Miharu Ogura, Takuya Otaki
・Mémoire fondu for harp and trumpet (2017)
・Réflexion géométrique for piano and percussion (2016-17)
・Yuragi for double string quartet (2016)
premiered on 17th June 2016, Tokyo Opera City, Tokyo, Fuga Miwatashi, Rina Miyagawa, Kana Ide, Naoka Shinbo, Chihiro Kitada, Chisato Wakasugi, Itsuki Yamamoto, Urara Katsuki, Hikaru Tanabe
・Le silence introspectif pour soprano and piano (2024)
will be premiered on 21st January 2025, Tokyo, Risa Matsushima, Yuri Aoki
commissioned by Risa Matsushima
・nu.I 「ぬ」についての考察 I (2023)
for soprano, alto, tenor, clarinet in B flat, viola, trombone
premiered on 20th of July 2024, Kanagwa
Toshifumi Kanai, Noriko Yakushiji, Kanae Mizobuchi, Seiji Kanazawa, Takahiro Katayama, Miho Kawai, Kazunori Naoi
・CALL for soprano, piano and electronics (2021)
commissioned by Tessera Festival
premiered on 12th November, Salon Tessera, Noriko Yakushiji, Miharu Ogura
・Lucifer for soprano, violin and piano (2021)
premiered on 18th June 2021, Tokyo Opera City, Haruka Okazaki, Chihiro Kitada, Yuki Amako
performed on 12th November 2021, Salon Tessera, Noriko Yakushiji, Maiko Matsuoka, Miharu Ogura
・p( )ay for piano and soprano (2020)
published online on 7th July, Takuya Otaki, Noriko Yakushiji
・Agnus Dei for mezzo soprano (2020)
・Credo for soprano and string quartet (2019)
premiered on 19th November 2020, Tokyo Opera City, Haruka Okazaki, Michio Yoshimura, Sakura Segawa, Ayako Tahara, Satomi Muramatsu, Hikaru Tanabe
performed on 13th December 2020, Tokyo Concerts Lab., Haruka Okazaki, Kyoka Misawa, Rintaro Kikuno, Itsuki Yamamoto, Anri Tsukiji, Hikaru Tanabe
・Mallow Blue / with words of flowers for soprano and 4 hands (2019)
premiered on 5th March 2019, Toho Gakuen Music College, Tokyo, Sayaka Kurata, Ayano Yamamoto, Saki Takahashi
・Pierrot’s eyes for violoncello and string orchestra (2021)
premiered on 1st April 2021, Lviv
・enflammé for piano and orchestra (2020)
・Eruption géométrique for orchestra (2018-19)
・Feu improvisé for piano, percussion and string orchestra (2017)
premiered on 12th October 2017, Kusunoki-Hall, Tokyo, Miharu Ogura, Hikaru Tanabe, Toho Gakuen Orchestra
・Concerto pour clavier en sol mineur BWV 1058, cadence (2022)
premired on 30th September 2022, Lens, Bach Stage par l’ensemble Bach Stage dirigé par Léo Margue avec Francesco Tristano
performed on 16th December 2022, Avignon
performed on 18th December 2022, Paris
Reach Out
Miharu Ogura © 2018